Jörg Ihde Born 17.04.1972 in Kiel Germany
Studied physics with a focus on plasma physics, 1998 Diploma at the University of Kiel Thesis on the field of magnetical confined low pressure plasmas.
Form 1998 -2001: PhD Thesis on the field of plasma surface interaction at the University of Bochum and Research Centre Jülich „Wall Conditioning with Microwave Generated Plasmas in a Toroidal Magnetic Field“
Since 2001: Scientific Member of the group for Plasma and Surface Technology of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Applied Material Science (IFAM) in Bremen
Since 2008 : Section Manager for Atmospheric Pressure Plasma of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Applied Material Science (IFAM) in Bremen
Since 2024: Head of Department Plasma and Surface Technology of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Applied Material Science (IFAM) in Bremen