ACUITY Corrosion Technology
Luna Labs USA is an interdisciplinary technology company that develops cutting-edge solutions across biomedical systems, medical simulation, materials science, systems integration, and asset tracking. Luna Labs identifies emerging needs, explores novel ideas, and creates game-changing technologies through in-house technical expertise as well as strategic partnerships and collaborative research opportunities.
The Acuity brand of products, manufactured in Virginia, are used globally by engineers to evaluate materials performance and maintainers to manage assets. These instruments are capable of autonomous operation for real-time monitoring of environmental severity and corrosivity. The systems are used to assess materials performance in accelerated tests, determine site severity for materials selection, and perform long-term asset monitoring to manage maintenance processes. Whether used in the laboratory or on assets, Acuity products enable durable, rapid, and accurate measurements of environmental conditions and materials performance to understand and manage the risk of corrosion.